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Monday, September 28, 2015

Chapter One

Chapter One - Past and Present


“Everything and everyone is energy and consciousness, when you transition your vibrational state changes”

Lying in my bed that night staring at the ceiling little did I know this was the beginning of an amazing and sometimes difficult journey, I was 5 years old, as I lay on my back in bed looking at the ceiling, my feet felt like they suddenly touched the ground.

 I looked down the bed and saw my legs were still under the cover and my feet were down the end of the bed, I started to swing my feet backwards and forwards scuffing them on the carpet. Not realizing the magnitude of the situation, I rolled over and fell out of bed, standing up, I saw I was still lying down in bed, I remember thinking, was this a dream?

In the darkened room, it was difficult to see, but I walked through an area that I thought was a lounge room. I seemed unable to find the door and found that I was now stuck in a hallway, so I lay down to rest and seemed to drift off to sleep, separated from myself.

 In the morning I woke up in the hall way, wondering how I got there. This happened many times over the years even into adulthood.

When I was about twenty years old I started to practice the art of Astral Travelling and would think nothing of spending between 2 to 4 hours trying to move to the edge of consciousness, each successful trip became like an open doorway back to this physical reality. When I returned I sometimes felt I had left doorways open and this allowed energies from the other dimensions to move freely between realms.

   I didn’t realize that each journey was opening new doorways and it was only over the years I learnt that moving in and out of realms required certain skills.

  Thankfully someone was watching over me, I didn’t know who they were or what they were but I was hoping they at least they wouldn’t let me get into harm’s way. In later years I did meet this being and came to a full understanding of who I was, why I exist, and what my reason for coming here was.

One thing perplexed me, I  was able to see flashes of people, children and  families, I had no idea whether they existed or not, this caused me  a lot of anguish as I felt I was losing my mind, I mean, how can this be right, seeing people who didn’t exist! It became the norm to see many families and single entities and beings.

When I became an older adult and married. My children one day asked me “who is that child we see?” (I realized they had the ability as well,) or “who is that woman we see in the house?” I would explain that this person had passed over and was visiting our family (what else could I say?) My wife who has some psychic ability would say “I can sense something” little knowing there was a person standing behind her.

This became a real issue when we moved into a house that had a spirit lady living there whom I called “Aggie,” she was an older lady around 65 years of age, short and  five feet 3 inches in height, she wore a house dress, colored blue with flowers,  now,  although Aggie was a lovely lady she seemed to be the most insistent  “spirit person” I had ever met, even to the point, I would wake up and she would be standing over me trying to gain my attention.

This gave me a real fright. The strange thing is I never interconnected the instances as being of some significance, like, “how did I know her name?” it just popped into my head one day when I saw her.

Aggie would walk around the house appearing and disappearing all of the time and in the end even the older children would say, “I can really sense someone is here!” When I told my psychic friend of this occurrence she simply said, “Did you ever ask her what she wanted?”

That simple question could have changed the way I viewed my situation but I was so busy avoiding any contact with her, I never did.

Over the years, I had tried to find answers to this phenomenon and ended up where we all do  “on the internet” searching and learning as I went.

The problem is, as the contact with the “People from the other side” grew so did the uncertainty and the anxiety, I never felt I had any control over the whole process. I ended up talking to a friend, who listened carefully while I told them my story.

As the words came out of my mouth I kept thinking, “this sounds bloody crazy,” and that when I had finished my story, there would be a knock on the door, a burly set of men would then place me in a strait jacket, and I would be promptly carted off to the insane asylum, but the friend said to me;

 “I have a problem with my child who is seeing something, like a spirit in the corner of his room, I can’t see it, and I’m desperate, can you help me?

I must admit, I was very shocked and thought to myself.  If this woman can see that I have some sort of ability, how is it I can’t see it myself?

I really thought carefully about what I should do next. How can I use this ability, to help myself and others?

I realized I hadn’t been true to myself, this was a paradigm shift event, and I had spent many years running from an ability that I could have been using to help others and in the process learn and grow in knowledge of self.

I decided to speak to my father and see if he had ever experienced this type of phenomenon in his life, it took a lot of courage to approach him and discuss this, as a son I didn’t want him to think I had lost my marbles.

He was over seventy years old and has been fairly quiet most of his life, so when I blurted out what my experiences were, he sat there, stone faced and said nothing, after a while he leaned forward in his chair and said;

“It’s been with us for hundreds of years, and every adult male has this ability, it is passed from generation to generation.”

Honestly, I nearly exploded! Thinking I had been through this for years with no help or understanding from any one in my family, we discussed the phenomenon and he told me that although he had not had the “sightings” that I’d experienced, he had still developed to a certain extent and seen images of the dead.

The information I gained in the conversation led me to an awareness process, I started learning and reading, I found out that everything I had experienced was “normal” for a developing medium, although as I was to find out, there are different types of mediumship and many ways to perceive spirit.

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